Karthik S
Principal Software Engineer
LitmusChaos 101
Jan 24, 2024 5:15 PM(GMT)
LitmusChaos is the CNCF incubating project that delivers the end to end capability to run chaos experiments around cloud native workloads and build a simple and clear path the the resilience of critical applications. LitmusChaos itself has evolved over a period of time and it now serves the basic needs of chaos engineering to QA teams and SREs. In this session, Karthik, who is the co-creator and maintainer of LitmusChaos, will provide the basic introduction to Chaos Engineering and introduce the LitmusChaos tool and all it's feature. The session includes a live demo to show the creation of the new resilience probes, creation of chaos experiment and measuring the resilience of a target business service.